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Card Alignment

Looking for a quick way to tidy up your board? We can help with the alignment

Theren Moodley avatar
Written by Theren Moodley
Updated over a year ago

The canvas in Make the Dot allows you to place your cards wherever you want, however, there are a couple of ways that we can help you arrange the cards on your board which can be especially helpful if you've added a big bunch of new cards.


The spreadout feature will automatically spread out a selection of cards into an organized line. To select the Spreadout feature, highlight the cards that you'd like and the click the spreadout button on the floating menu.

Object Snapping

When using the canvas the object snapping feature will automatically appear when you select a card, group of cards, or artboard and start to move it. A dotted line both horizontally and vertically will show relative position against other cards. This allows the user to align their cards exactly against the top, bottom, and midpoint of other cards.

If you are resizing a card then the guidelines will make it easier to make the size the equal of similar cards.

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